Saturday, September 29, 2007
argh a roach just walked from behind my back into the storeroom. must remember not to go in there tomorrow and look for random bag or whatever.
i feel like killing somebody! somebody who left 16 missed calls on my phone this afternoon, and another who left 9. what is WITH people and missed calls do they enjoy recording their voice on voicemail so much.
for the record, i DO listen to EVERY SINGLE voicemail i receive so dont leave the call on for a very long time and go like "kanina he never pick up AGAIN!" because i hear that all the time and that means you mandy! well, and george-ea, your gaybud.
my sister saw mandy's photo that time and she was like whoah, so pretty. which is like a very huge comment from my sister because usually she's like "oh, quite pretty what." in a i'm-just-saying-that-because-im-an-idiot-who-wants-to-be-nice-to-all-my-seniors tone.
anyway this is all very stream-of-thought and i forgot what i was blogging for but anyway oh YEAH. that day friday i went to join the rafflesian spotlight auditions! i refuse to call it rs, because that's what i call re. but anyway ri has too many goddamn acronyms. don't you think so?
RE which is "Research Education"
AVT which stands for "Audio Visual Theatre"
LT which stands for "Lecture Theatre" or more commonly known among the more yida-esque gang, "lan tui" which probably means "split cock". moving on,
bfb stands for big fat bitch, self explanatory,
and my favorite knsslmj which stands for "kanasai-similanjiao"
which works really well on glenn, by the way.
anyway it just shows that raffles people make up acronyms for EVERYTHING which doesnt help me thinking that raffles IS a pap-party and singaporean-white-collar-worker producer, like the average middle-class factory.
interestingly if you look at some people i'd say it's pretty obvious, how they gonna be PAP-esque people in future.
i mean surprisingly few people even notice how this country has SO MANY PROBLEMS about freedoms, and such. i guess it's because of an asian upbringing that most people have, "just accept, dont ask questions" and that is REALLY bad because even the newspapers are just like reporting (for example) "PM Lee mentor to new minister, preparation for next PM" that sort of thing and it leads you to wonder:
why does nobody say something like "huh? next PM sure is PAP-approved one meh?"
or like "nahbeh, how come PM choose so fast one?"
or like "who's that guy?!"
and so on and allegations of nepotism.
wait why am i getting political. when i talk about stuff i will SURELY get in trouble because i'm not like nigel who can talk cock about the prefect board and stuff and still be perfectly safe, because people dont like me.
like about how the prefect chosen for his "Solar powered cars" thing, i know who that is!
i think he's a wanker by the way.
anyway, rafflesian spotlight. so me and abyssus played "decembers" by hawthorne heights - great song, by the way, check it out! - and we did pretty good if FUCKING BRANDON DIDNT SCREW UP NEAR THE END WE WOULD BE THE BEST BAND IN THAT AUDITION.
but oh well the mistake was factorized into the music i guess, so i just rolled and crash and we flowed seamlessly into the solo part, which showcased brandon's voice really well. the judges said he had a good voice, and "good job drummer", so i'm pretty happy :D guess we have a good chance at the 600 bucks! considering the drummer for marcus' band played crappily and overrode all the music, so yeah!
watch out marcuslee! abyssus is here to kick your ass!
by the way, we're doing your Singaporean favorite WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE by My Chemical Romance, and one of my favorite songs, if we can put another guitarist in, so we're gonna cajole the hell out of the prefects and the teachers. stay tuned to abyssus! oh and, if there's a voting thing, pleeeze vote for us i will be eternally gratified.
okay that's about it - 2.36 am, thirty oh nine two oh oh seven, you're listening to Abyssus FM! (i'm starting to sound like the dj that i'm supposed to be about the radio dj dmp module.) next up, we have say goodnight by The Click Five, and indeed, it is time to say goodnight.
goodnight! (if you're reading this i'm really really really sorry okay don't be mad.)
waking the neighbourhood; 11:12 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
my favoritest person in the world marcus (not the superstar) told me i should try interactive blogging.
which basically, means, you take photos of yourself making a face.
DMP week ends today. tomorrow real school day, and one more week to exams.
this makes me feel like saying:

guess what this means! oh i know.
fuck school. :D
oh and fuck you too jeff, if you see this.

note the cool ass biceps which are an improvement from a few weeks ago.
i've been working out! but i still suck though.
in the words of glenn, famous bastard sec4 and shortfuck, "im not afraid of you bitch, because you cant bench half my weight."
that was the funniest shit i've ever heard! for reasons that i shant elaborate.
on second thought, if that really applies, shide (champion fatty in my class) wouldnt be scared of anyone!
by the way dont comment on my shirt. yes, it does really say penang. i have no idea where the hell i got it from i think it was a present. whatever la! i'm not the kind of perfect person who wears cool ass shirts and perfect dumpsta baggy cargo shorts at home. though i AM wearing a cool ass pair of cargo shorts from fido dido. O:
in the words of the Interactive Blogger,

kickass cargoes if i do say so myself.
on the other hand, ignore the messy computer table and the bag that says IM A CAMPUS SUPERSTAR.
oh and ignore the white foot. my bad. ):
why am i blogging? i am bored. it's 11.56 pm and i've just finished pretending to study. actually, i havent TOUCHED the book at all. but my mom is CRAZY and wants me to study everyday, but she doesnt even check my room to see what i'm doing. O:
interactive blogging is annoying! i dont know why people do it. i shan't do anymore then! okay have fun y'all, stay cool, cut class, peace. oh and this sums up my entire life and personality and mood in one single video:
waking the neighbourhood; 8:34 AM
Monday, September 03, 2007
Bluebells; pretty belles. says:
And the the the chicken balls
- black&red rejection. so whisper subtly; and don't forget. says:
im saving that quote
Bluebells; pretty belles. says:
- black&red rejection. so whisper subtly; and don't forget. says:
Bluebells; pretty belles. says:
And the the the chicken balls
Bluebells; pretty belles. says:
They're delicious.
Bluebells; pretty belles. says:
I drool over them in my sleep.
sharlene wong kai qi, ladies and gentlemen.
waking the neighbourhood; 3:19 AM